

Bryan Terry, Assistant Director of Content Marketing & Communications
Dr. 亨利·普拉特拿着他最近出版的书, 漫画的哲学在方丹府他的办公室里. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/Marist College.

2023年10月30日——最重要的 2010-2019年的禁书和挑战书,其中十几本是漫画. 还有20多本bet亚洲365欢迎投注 美国图书馆协会 禁书单以某种方式附有插图.

If these facts pique your curiosity, you’re not alone. 漫画激发原创研究, 激发互动演示, 及时参加节日活动, and help Marist students and faculty grasp complex social and political issues.

“You have contemporary concerns about book burning, and censorship in libraries. 这在很大程度上与漫画有关。 Dr. Henry Pratt,哲学副教授,著有 漫画的哲学: What They Are, How They Work, and Why They Matter was published earlier this year by Oxford University Press.

“We sometimes tend to think that comics are not serious or sophisticated,” said Dr. 莫伊拉费茨基布斯,英语教授. “But students are very quick to pick up on their topical relevance.”

Image of Dr. Fitzgibbons reading a comic book on the campus green.

Dr. 莫伊拉·菲茨吉本斯在读漫画小说 一切都很紧急 杰森·亚当·卡岑斯坦在校园绿地上. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/Marist College.

Dr. Fitzgibbons teaches two courses that center on comics, and students like Shania Fernandez '26 were drawn in through them.

“我们学会了漫画, 作为文学媒介, can tell readers so much more about what they are trying to portray than what appears on the surface,费尔南德斯说。, who took Dr. Fitzgibbons’ 漫画中的思想和身体 course.

有了这些知识, Fernandez and several peers helped lead an interactive exhibit at the recent “社会正义的探索”研讨会 bet亚洲365欢迎投注漫画如何表现残疾. 为了对抗负面的刻板印象, participants were asked to draw the word “disability” in a positive light.

Image of drawing by student at social justice conference.
Students create illustrations at the Comics and Disability exhibit, part of the “社会正义的探索”研讨会 in September. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/Marist College.

“The prompt was a good segue into the conversation about how disability is depicted, and the complexity of the way illustrations are constructed when there is deeper meaning behind it,费尔南德斯说.

“It was really awesome to see everyone’s creative ideas on the topic,26岁的马林·罗斯曼说, 和费尔南德斯一起在小组工作的人. “Most people don’t think much about the impact of telling a story through pictures.”

The 积极的学术参与 漫画也把学生带出了校园. In April, a group of 12 undergraduates was joined by six students from the 自由伙伴计划 along with faculty and staff coordinators to attend the 黑色漫画节 in New York City, which featured the work of comic creators, scholars, and activists.

Image of student group attending 黑色漫画节.
Students in New York City, attending the 黑色漫画节. 图片由博士提供. 莫伊拉·菲茨吉本斯,英语教授.

The festival opened students’ eyes to how comics deal with complex social issues.

“It blew my mind how these authors are using comics as way to show protest,25岁的伊丽莎白·格雷罗·埃尔南德斯说, 出席活动的人士. 在这些漫画中, there is a lot of deliberate storytelling of how people of color are treated and perceived in American society.”

“We had literature students, we had computer science students, we had artists,” said Dr. 菲茨吉本斯和他一起跑了一趟 Dr. 玛格达Desgranges. “Different things bring different students to comics.”

玛丽斯特的图书馆为学生提供了一种 丰富的漫画收藏,由图书管理员策划和组织 黛博拉Tomaras, 这家公司成立于2019年,发展迅速, 感谢Buddy Scalera的慷慨捐赠, 天主教学生的父母. Since then, the collection has grown to more than 700 titles, with a focus on diversity and social justice.

Displayed graphic novels as part of the comics collection at the Marist library. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/Marist College.

最近新增的功能包括 感官:光谱上的生命是自闭症艺术家的漫画合集, 洗日日记, a comic about friendship, hair, and self-care among Black women, and 一切正常, which deals with experiences of depression, mindfulness, and recovery.

Tomaras is an avid comic reader herself, and enjoys providing these opportunities for students.

“漫画可以实现很多功能, 从愉悦阅读, 到类内容, 对于学术研究, 甚至是咨询支持,” Tomaras said. “I would be happy to suggest comics of potential interest to anyone in the Marist community.”

But what makes comics such a powerful mode of storytelling, 以至于它们最终会被禁止? Answers to questions like this are never straightforward, but in his book, Dr. Pratt poses deep questions about why comics can can be so potent.

Image of Dr. 普拉特拿着他的书.
Dr. 亨利·普拉特举起他的书, 漫画的哲学这本书最近由牛津大学出版社出版. 图片来源:Nelson Echeverria/Marist College.

“照片是有意义的,对吧? In comics, artists will very deliberately manipulate the fact that you can't see the next page,” said Dr. Pratt. “所以他们会对你有所隐瞒, 然后你就可以翻页了, 它可以产生巨大的影响.“

Dr. Pratt says comics have helped him challenge his students.

“I tell them, ‘You're not going to like some of this stuff. There’s going to be things in here you'll disagree with,'” he said. “I don't expect them to change, necessarily, although they may. But I want them to at least figure out if they aren't changing, why not?”

Dr. 菲茨吉本斯也在写一本书, 哈德逊河谷的漫画和卡通该书将于2024年底由纽约州立大学出版社出版. 

Additionally, Jeff Canino, Visiting Lecturer of English, has written several commercially successful comics, including the Besties 凯拉·米勒(Kayla Miller)合著的系列. Comics also serve as a teaching tool for history professors like Dr. Kristin Bayer and Dr. 迈克尔·奥沙利文 who use them to help present vivid accounts of historical events.

“There’s a climate here at Marist that is supportive of this kind of research and teaching,” said Dr. Fitzgibbons. “It’s not an accident that this work is happening, and we’re testing out these ideas here.”



